The people on the screen stop us from seeing them as numbers. Even in single second bursts there are worlds of personality stretching out in front of us. The films are really about our awe at how big life is, infinite in its variety, even when it seems just normal to each of us living it.
Congratulations are in order to Alicia for being in the top twenty in the "Captured" catgegory of Vimeo's first ever competition!! See her blog post about it here.
Because of her submission, Vimeo saw our "Eternity" piece and has asked Alicia and I to install it in the gallery where they will be hosting the Festival and Awards. The place is called Drive In Studios and is located at 443 W 18th Street. Check out the full schedule of events
The Times Square Alliance Public Art Program has an open call, and Alicia and I are proposing to have ETERNITY on a billboard in Times Square. Click HERE for more info.
You can order the new book published in conjunction with PhotoEspana's Portfolio Review at Just click on "Books" at the top left, then "PhotoEspana" in the middle left.